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Pain in the heel is a very common complaint and there can be many potential causes behind this problem. At any given point of time, approximately one-quarter of the human population is affected by pain in the foot. It is often disabling pain and can disturb your daily routine and impair your mood. There can be many causes of heel pain and only doctors can truly identify the actual cause in your case. All we can do is to know about them more which will help you prepare for that conversation with your doctor. Two of the most common causing factors of heel pain are plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis. Both of them are discussed below in brief.

Here Mention The Tips For Heel Pain Treatment

Heel Pain Treatment
1. Plantar fasciitis It is defined by inflammation and irritation of the band of the tight tissue that forms the arc of the foot. This band works as a connection between the heel bone and the base of toes. It is characterized by severe, throbbing or stabbing pain feeling on the bottom of heels which is triggered or initiated upon weight bearing after a long rest like in the case of the first step out of bed in the morning or when standing up after sitting for a long time. If this pain continues for a long time, it might be because of a bony protrusion formation at the point where fascia connects to the heel bone. In some rare cases, the plantar fascia starts to rupture leading to severe pain and swelling of the region. 

2. Achilles tendonitis: It is characterized by the inflammation of a large cord-like a tendon that is attached to the back part of the heel bone. At the region slightly above the heel bone, tightening and burning pain is observed along with mild swelling of the tendon. The tendon becomes stiff in the morning time leading to stiffness of heel and calf which leads to pain. Wearing tight shoes or footwear with poor fitting is the major cause of this type of heal pain. Now that we know about some of the causes of heel pain, we must now talk about heel pain treatment. But before that, one last thing you must know. If the pain in your heel is severe and continuous, you must not rely on home remedies and must visit the doctor immediately. 

Below Mentioned Is A List Of Definite Signs Of Problems And Uneasiness Associated With Heel Pain:

• Persistent heel pain (more than 2 to 3 days)
• Signs of infection • Fever, redness, warmth
• Any other unusual symptoms.
Heel Pain Treatment 

Heel Pain Treatment
Although the heel pain treatment for every individual is dissimilar and depends upon the original cause of the pain, some of the common treatments are listed below but keep one thing in mind that these heel pain treatments are not suitable for all the cases and conditions. 

Rest:  In case of acute pain, the first thing you should do is to give your legs some rest, take a few days off jogging, maybe that’s all you need to feel better. 

Icing: In most of the cases, applying ice is a good primary heel pain treatment. Apply ice on your heel for about 20 minutes and repeat this practice up to three times a day. 

Taping: Using sports tape will be useful for certain types of heel pain treatment. Most of the doctors also recommend this tapping technique involving four strips of tape that are applied around the foot. 

Physical therapy: A certain exercise that is designed to stretch and relax the muscles the surrounds the heel bone. Performing some simple exercises in the morning and evening time often helps the patient feel better quickly. So, by following the above-mentioned tips for heel pain treatment, you can certainly make conditions better. But for recurring pain, it is advisable to seek medical help at the earliest.

1 comment:

  1. Nice informative blog.
    I found these tips very useful but treatment for heel pain amongst kids is completely different for adults and usually the feet specialists. If you are looking for a kid's foot care specialist then there no better place than kidSole. Thanks


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